About Me

I love poetry, photography, writing (prose and poetry), walking/hiking, reading (non-fiction and books of poetry) drinking coffee and herbal teas, autumn, camping, fishing, contemplating, solitude, silence, traveling, faded jeans, meaningful conversation, wabi-sabi, haiku, tanka, Jazz, Classical, oldies, films that pierce my heart and make me think, all the books of Thomas Merton, Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, Thomas Moore, John O’Donohue, Mary Oliver, David Whyte, Mark Strand, Rumi, Kahlil Gibran, Basho, Izumi Shikibu and the other ancient Chinese and Japanese poets, The Bible, spirituality, philosophy, psychology, sociology, history, humanities and the arts.

87 Responses to About Me

  1. May I just say that of the small group of brilliant minds who can be moved by a few words…I am proud to be one of them. Reading your blog is like falling in love with life all over again.

  2. bebs1 says:

    Thank you for including me in your blog roll. I am very honored and humbled.

  3. lizziejoy10 says:

    Thank you for liking my latest article on Lizzie Joy’s Photo Suite. And so I have found your site. I am enthralled by the simplicity and eloquence of your words and photos and have clicked to follow so that I don’t miss your future postings. You might also like my other site – http:lizziejoysessenceofspirit.wordpress.com and the latest article about stillness [sorry I don’t know how to put a proper link in here, but you can link through from the photo suite if you wish.] Thank you so much for a lovely start to my day. Bless you.

  4. Dear Virgilio, I have been slowly taking my time savouring your wonderful pieces here. This is a sanctuary of peace, of stillness and beauty which must surely be an overflow from your heart. Thank you for blessing my heart. I look forward to getting to know you. With all my warmest wishes, Sharon

    • hi Sharon, thank you too for visiting my sanctuary. i read your posts and all i can say is that i am inspired and uplifted. you also blessed my heart. i will be following your wonderful, insightful writings and lovely images. take care.

  5. soumyav says:

    Thanks for being on my blog.loved your posts here .

  6. chrysaliswithaview says:

    Hello, your blog is beautiful.

  7. Subhan Zein says:

    Hi Virgilio,

    Your blog is full of peace and warmth, which is a reflection of your pure soul. It is truly an honor for me to have you in my blog. I hope you will continue enjoying the posts in my blog, and that my posts do not disappoint you. But please let me know if they do, though. You are as free as a bird.

    Thank you again, many blessings and much love to you. 🙂

    Subhan Zein

    • that’s nice of you, Subhan. thanks for the uplifting words. i also enjoy reading your writings where i can sense Rumi and Kahlil Gibran.

      • Subhan Zein says:

        Thank you very much, Virgilio. Just out of curiosity, what did you actually mean by ‘ reading your writings where i can sense Rumi and Kahlil Gibran’?

        Subhan Zein

  8. Hi Subhan, thanks for seeking clarity to my comments. what I meant was that you are a deep and insightful thinker like Rumi and Gibran…your thinking, as well as the eloquence of your words, is aligned with them. that’s how i see it. Reading Rumi and Gibran fascinates and inspires me which i felt when i read your writings (I can Pour Light into a Cup, In Pursuit of the Beloved, A Wondrous Nightingale, My Words are the Ink of Love, A Fleeting Moment of Surprise…)…to me they are wisdom-filled… your beautiful poem, “I can Pour Light into your Cup,” i find very moving. i hope i explained it well. best regards.

  9. Joycelyn says:

    More “meaningful conversations” Virgilio! 🙂 Cheers to your lovely blog!

  10. lesleehare says:

    Ah, Virgilio, I am so happy (and reassured, comforted, accompanied…) to have met you and found these magical posts!
    This will be a place I will come when I long for some very important reminders and company. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  11. You are a beautiful photographer, and writer, and what you’ve done here is truly unique. I’m definitely following. I want to see more of your magic!

  12. thanks a lot, Joycelyn. best regards.

  13. I just nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Here is the post, if you choose to accept. http://spiritualworldtravelerblog.com/2012/11/26/very-inspiring-blogger-award/

  14. midnighthues says:

    Your profound thoughts are so heart warming and soul searching. I am glad to have read your posts! Regards,

  15. RobynG says:

    Thank you, Virgilio, for visiting my blog today and liking several posts. Both are much appreciated.

    I am happy to have been led to your beautiful blog. I look forward to seeing more or your visual poetry and reading your thoughtful expressions.

    Please visit my blog again soon.

  16. I enjoyed your blog and getting to know you better! I like faded jeans to so we will be fast friends!

  17. Michele Seminara says:

    Hi, I have nominated you for the ‘Blog of the Year 2012′ award. Hope you don’t mind!
    No pressure, I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed reading your blog this year.
    If you would like to accept you can check out the format here: http://micheleseminara.wordpress.com/2012/12/18/blog-of-the-year-2012-x-3/

  18. Your blog is like warm summer morning ,and i like it a lot 🙂

  19. Subhan Zein says:

    Hello Virgilio,

    I know it is the 13th of January, but I hope it is not too late to wish you a wonderful New Year. May 2013 bring you more happiness, love, and success. Many blessings and much love to you, Virgilio. 🙂

    Subhan Zein

  20. elizz says:

    hi there, thanks so much for liking some of my photos.. i am slowly learning how to take better photos and i guess earning a few likes on photos i posted means maybe i am doing just fine.. i just want to say that you have a lovely blog, your words are like melody, very soothing/relaxing to read.. will be camping out in your blog a bit later, doing mommy chores first.. have a pleasant day 🙂

  21. bussokuseki says:

    A beautiful space you have created here with your photographs and words…great care… Thank you and I wish you well~

  22. MrsDalloway says:

    Your post intrigued me 🙂

  23. gpcox says:

    You sound like quite the well-rounded person. Great intro.

  24. Zen Doe says:

    I’m so glad that you stipped by my blog and liked some posts, because that’s how I found your incredibly beautiful work. I’ll be following!

  25. prozhizn says:

    Your blog is so inspiring…. I love it!

  26. i have nominated you for the sunshine Award. go to jeaninjackson.com for details

  27. Your photography is beautiful! I LOVE it! Do you sell prints?

  28. ur'damage says:

    Hey V, just stopping in to say HI!!!

  29. ur'damage says:

    Hope you’re having a good week V 😉

  30. Marcus Antoninus says:

    Thanks Virgilio for your enjoyable, beautiful and meaningful posts.

  31. fathersunny says:

    This internet thing suddenly becomes a place of great mystery, how it is possible today to encounter other souls who sing the same melodies, and who strum at harp at the same pace. i can see your soul from where I am, and I am sincerely taken over by awe… like i just saw myself again, on that well, looking in. God bless.

    • thanks, fathersunny, for the insightful thoughts…indeed, the web is a mysterious place…and it looks like we’re in harmony…i’m also trying to marry photography and spirituality and nature and poetry…Thomas Merton is a great influence…God bless.

  32. Bill Britton says:

    Thanks for your sharing. I’m encouraged by yet another who is on the journey that I’m attempting. We all encourage each other.

  33. bejamin4 says:

    Loved reading “That Quiet Space”; “I Just Know”; “The Trail” and many more. Your writing style is very unique in many ways and very philosophical. I’ll have to come back to read more. Keep thinking and writing.

  34. Jamila says:

    Are we twins? You have basically describe all of my likes in your About page! 😉 Superb Blog

  35. I’m very glad to have connected with you. Your words and insights bless my soul.

  36. Thank you for stopping by my blog, I really appreciate it. Love what you’re doing here; The poetry and photography! Looks like we have a few common interests, too! 🙂

  37. Hi Virgilio, I thought of you when I learned about this workshop on self-publishing as I would love for you to publish all your amazing works. What is one hour in a day compared to so many moments of serenity you can share your gift with the world.


    • Hi Tay, nice to see you here at WordPress and thanks for the wonderful thoughts and encouragement. Truth is that I’ve been thinking about going into self-publishing. I’ve received some offers from two publishing companies. Still weighing my options though. In due time, I hope, I can go full blast. Right now I’m working on a couple of personal projects. I’ll take a look a the workshop. Again, a huge thanks.

  38. Seyi sandra says:

    Your words are so simple and yet so profound. It would be a delight to publish your works. I work for a small/medium publishing company in London. We love writers and poets like you. Let me know what you think, we might be able to take a journey together.

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