The Philosophy of Silent Pictures #5 (Awakening)

The Philosophy of Silent Pictures #5 (Awakening)

About Virgilio Gavia

Interests: poetry, photography, writing (prose and poetry), walking/hiking, reading (non-fiction and books of poetry) drinking coffee and herbal teas, camping, fishing, contemplating, solitude, silence, traveling, faded jeans, meaningful conversation, wabi-sabi, haiku, tanka, Jazz, Classical, oldies, all the books of Thomas Merton, Joseph Campbell, Thomas Moore, John O'Donohue, Mary Oliver, David Whyte, Mark Strand, ancient Chinese and Japanese poets, The Bible, spirituality, philosophy, psychology, sociology, history, humanities and the arts.
This entry was posted in Contemplation, Existentialism, Haiku Moment, Inner Knowing, Inner Life, Moment of Peace, Monochrome, Mystery, Photo, Photography, Poetry, Ruminations, Spirituality, Stillness, sub consciousness, Visual Poetry and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to The Philosophy of Silent Pictures #5 (Awakening)

  1. Michele Seminara says:

    Very delicate, but also like a finger pointing the way.

  2. chrisbkm says:

    Beautifully unfolding series Virgilio.

  3. free penny press says:

    Beautiful on many levels!

  4. damage says:


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